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Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 7, 2016

GO-depth study Pokemon: The size and strength!

GO-depth study Pokemon: The size and strength!

In the course of play, you will encounter many Pokémon with the symbol XL, XS in the index height and weight. This is one very important indicator, revealing its power capacity and the ability to share the evolutionary growth.

Here is one example:
Zubat 1: weight 3kg (XS); Height 1.80m; HP 30
Zubat 2: weighing 4 kg; Height 1.60; HP 25
Thus, the height of Pokemon HP its decision. As for weight, why? There are many tests to be world players perform and share their conclusions, most of which the greater weight will cause as much physical damage (this is no official confirmation).
And one thing is very important to decide the true power of Pokemon, it's just the speed. And it's interesting that this index is determined by weight. The higher the weight, the slower speed! Fat people is understandable because it is difficult to move or attack quickly.

Thus, we can conclude, with any one Pokemon, height index should choose as large as possible. The index is best when XL symbols (ie the highest of which category). This will bring the maximum amount of HP that Pokemon. Mass index, depending on the type of Pokemon as well as the direction you want to aim for selection: XS to XL for speed and damage.
We also find other information that:
Weight decision and dodge HP (XL for the heartiest, most XS for many dodge)
Height decision perpetrators size ratio and accuracy (size XL for violence and XS for precision)

Pokemon GO: The legendary Pokemon are?
GO-depth study Pokemon: The size and strength!
Hướng dẫn tải Game Pokemon Go

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